Monday, March 9, 2015

Wisdom Treasure

Proverbs 8:11—for wisdom is better than jewels, and all that you may desire cannot compare with her.

As we grow and mature, hopefully one of the lessons we learn is that money and earthly treasures are not the most valuable things we can possess.  Money earned can be easily lost, but true knowledge, wisdom, and insight are gifts that endure even beyond this lifetime.  Wisdom is a treasure that can be passed from generation to generation.  What is more, the pursuit of earthly treasures can also interfere with our pursuit of wisdom and insight because the acquisition of jewels and riches is an inward-looking act.  When we acquire wealth, we feel empowered.  It feeds the ego that the human is self-sustaining and in control.  Wisdom reminds us that no human is really in control of anything.  Wisdom tempers us and provides us the insight we need to survive when the world begins to crumble around us. It forces us to look outside of ourselves, beyond our own personal experiences, and contemplate a perspective greater than any one person.  Wisdom endures forever.

Today as you pray and meditate on His Word, praise God for gifting us with wisdom and insight. Consider your priorities and ask God to fill you with the desire to seek wisdom and insight above all else.  Give thanks for the many blessings, both physical and spiritual, that have been bestowed upon you.

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