Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Paths of Justice

Proverbs 2:20—Therefore walk in the way of the good, and keep to the paths of the just. 

What does it mean to walk in the way of the good and keep to the paths of the just? Does it mean to judge others who we perceive as disobedient?  Does it include ranking sins from insignificant to really bad?  Goodness and justice aren’t so much about following a set of rules, though rules do help us to figure out the difference between right and wrong.  Rather, keeping to goodness and justice is about how we treat others.  Daily, we ought to lift others up.  We should strive to show empathy, love, and respect for others.  We walk in goodness when we honor our connection with others. 

Today as you pray and meditate on His Word, pray that God would reveal what is good and just in every life circumstance.  Pray for wisdom in discerning right from wrong.  Rejoice in the Lord, for He is good all the time.  Praise Him in song by singing O Give Thanks Unto the Lord.

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