Thursday, March 12, 2015

Silence is Golden

Proverbs 11:12—Whoever belittles another lacks sense, but an intelligent person remains silent.

Have you ever noticed that the letters of the word “silent” can be rearranged to spell the word “listen”?  In our new age of social media, I sometimes wonder if we have lost (or are beginning to lose) our ability to remain silent and just listen.  We are so used to pumping out our own opinions on things we may not even know much about that we tend to make judgments based on incomplete information. Knowing when to be quiet, though, is one of the hallmarks of a wise and intelligent person.  As I read this verse today, I thought about my grandfather.  He was a wise man who always seemed to know the right thing to do, even when the right thing seemed controversial to others.  He always found a way to lift others up.  I never heard him say negative things about anyone else, and I never heard him gossip.  He had mastered the art of remaining silent and listening.  To be sure, there is a time to speak—but we ought to listen and be silent far more than we speak.  Remember, just because we have words to say does not mean that we ought to speak them into existence.  Words are powerful, and we must use them responsibly. 

Today as you pray and meditate on His Word, thank God for the gift of words.  Pray that you would learn to be silent and listen with patience.  Ask God for wisdom and insight on when and how to release words into existence.  

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