Tuesday, March 24, 2015

A Measure of Success

Proverbs 23:4—Do not wear yourself out to get rich; be wise enough to desist.

How do you define success in life?  Is it based on how much money you earn, your status, or your recognition?  It’s tempting to seek monetary wealth, particularly living in a westernized culture that places great value on the acquisition of tangible things.  So, why would the Bible tell us to back away from the acquisition of riches?  Is money really so bad?  When you start to think about it, money has the power to insulate us from some very common life problems.  To be sure, money may bring its own set of problems.  But once a person begins acquiring money, some of the common every problems others suffer (like what to eat, what to wear, where to sleep) no longer exist.  And the further removed from these types of problems, the easier it becomes to judge those who are still poverty-stricken.  It’s easy to believe that someone is still poor because of bad choices or because that person just doesn’t work hard enough.  The ability to be compassionate toward others who aren’t as financially secure diminishes.  Money helps us to create walls of disconnection from others, which is the antithesis of our purpose here on Earth.  We were created to be in relationship with each other, and by loving each other loving our Creator ever more profoundly. So challenge yourself to define/redefine the meaning of success in your life – make it about how many lives you touch and meaningful relationships you cultivate in this short time we have on Earth.

Today as you pray and meditate on His Word, praise God as the Great Provider.  Examine your heart and ask yourself how you define success.  Pray that God would take away any desires in you to seek riches for riches sake.  Ask God to infuse you with compassion for those who have less financial and economic resources on which to live.  Rejoice in the provisions God has given to you and pray that you would have a giving spirit to connect and help your fellow man.

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