Thursday, March 5, 2015

Knowledge, Wisdom, Insight

Proverbs 4:7—The beginning of wisdom is this: get wisdom, and whatever else you get, get insight.

First comes knowledge, then comes wisdom, then comes insight.  Knowledge is the essential building block of wisdom, but knowledge alone can be dangerous.  Knowledge can be used for ill—it is a weapon that can be wielded to hurt others.  Wisdom is required to harness knowledge for good.  Wisdom is a deep-seated understanding of right and wrong beyond what society says is the right thing.  Wisdom acts as a compass guiding us in how to show mercy and impart discipline.  Insight is an even deeper dimension of wisdom.  Insight informs us as to why the right thing is right in a given circumstance.  Consider for a moment the incident where Jesus saved the adulteress from being stoned.  The Pharisees and Sadducees were testing Jesus to see if He would do the “right” thing and follow the Mosaic law that required the woman to be stoned.  Jesus, in His infinite wisdom, contemplated the crowd and ultimately responded with His famed statement, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”  Jesus was knowledgeable of the law, but He refused to use it for evil as the Jewish leaders urged Him to do.  He was wise in choosing mercy over punishment for this lady.  And He had insight as to why showing her mercy was the right thing – because love is greater than any law.

Today as you pray and meditate on His Word, praise God for His Wisdom and Insight.  Pray that He would fill you with the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and insight so that you discern right from wrong and live into His Perfect Will for your life.

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