59:16—But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your
love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.
What great comfort there is in knowing that at the end of
the day, everything is in God’s hands.
It can be easy to feel lost, out of control, or like you are on the
brink of failure. But God is in control.
What seems like failure to us is
opportunity to God. What seems like
weakness to us is strength to God. What seems like defeat to us is a new
beginning to God. When we feel broken,
that’s when God is just getting started taking us to the next level. We don’t have to understand all the pieces,
we just have to say yes to God and move forward one step at a time. When we praise God, we essentially say, “Hey
God, I don’t have this figured out in the slightest, but I TRUST YOU to take
care of me.”
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