Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Quick to Listen

Tuesday:  James 1:19-20—My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.

Have you ever noticed that most conflicts arise because of miscommunication?  Miscommunication occurs when we misunderstand or fail to hear what another person is saying.  Often, we misunderstand or fail to hear because we are not listening.  Our emotions have a tendency of taking over, so in difficult conversations we usually spend more time thinking about what we want to say than listening to what the other person is saying.  If we can get our emotions under control enough to listen, though, we might find that the other person has a legitimate point.  And the reality is, everyone’s perspective and feelings are legitimate.  We may not feel the same way ourselves, but our reality is not everyone else’s reality.  God desires for us to see the basic human dignity in all those around us so that we hear them, listen to them, and find a way to be at peace, free from anger and judgment.

Today as you pray and meditate on His Word, consider any feelings of anger you have in your heart.  Pray that God would soften your heart and give you ears to hear.  Resolve to be a listener, not a talker. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and strengthen your resolve to listen and release all anger.

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