Friday, February 27, 2015

Love in Truth and Action

1 John 3:18—Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.

My boss likes to say, “Turn down the volume, and watch where the feet go.”  This advice has become invaluable in navigating all the relationships in my life.  When it comes to personal relationships, I have found that it’s not so difficult for a person to speak—the hard part arises in the follow-through.  I recently had an experience where a friend promised to help on a project.  It was an important project with a strict deadline.  And the friend just didn’t show up.  I felt so disappointed, but I also learned a great lesson that despite my friend’s best intentions, she couldn’t follow through with the actions. Fortunately, I do have a couple of people in my life who are reliable, who do show up, and who remind me of the type of friend I want to be.  We must also remember that God follows through on His promises to us.  He is not a God of just words, but one of truth and action. Our challenge in this earthly realm is to live in truth and action, not just in word or speech.

Today as you pray and meditate on His Word, praise God for His truth and action.  Prayerfully consider the way you love, and pray that God would lead you in fulfilling that love through truth and action.  Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with courage and energy that your word and deeds match the full love of Christ Jesus which is in you.

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