Monday, December 15, 2014

Jesus is Love

Matthew 5:17—“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.”

The purpose of all the laws in the Old Testament was to guide people in their relationships with each other and with God for the sole purpose of bringing them closer to God.  God is love, and in keeping the laws we necessarily show love toward others.  But by the time of Jesus’ birth, the laws were starting to get in the way of relationships.  People were using it to exclude others; they were manipulating the law for selfish gain to the detriment of others.  When Jesus came, He was questioned about whether He was abolishing the law because, after all, there were many laws He did not follow (for example, He healed on the Sabbath and He picked grain to eat on the Sabbath).  But Jesus said He came to fulfill the law, not abolish it.  You see, the law has always been about love.  It is man who has contorted and twisted it to fit our limited perspective and understanding.  Jesus came to walk on Earth to show us that love is the true law and by obeying all of God’s laws we continually become closer to others and Him.

Today as you pray and meditate on His Word, praise God for His loving spirit.  Rejoice in His law that is intended to fortify your relationships with your fellow man and with God.  Pray that you would be filled with love toward others.  Ask God for renewed understanding of His simply perfect master plan that we would reunite completely with Him one day.  

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