Monday, December 29, 2014

Give Thanks

Psalm 118:1—O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his steadfast love endures forever!

The holiday season has a way of pulling together all sorts of emotions, both good and bad.  When we pause to ponder our circumstances, though, most of us can see the many ways we are blessed.  As we prepare to go into the new year, we must strive to see God’s hand in all things, trust that His goodness prevails over evil, and seek to understand His ways as they transcend beyond the ordinary. 

Today as you pray and meditate on His Word, give thanks for His steadfast love.  Rejoice in the gift of His Son, our Savior, who has taught us the true meaning of communion and relationship with God.  Pray that you would see God’s goodness in all things.

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