Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Renew Your Mind

Romans 12:2—Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.

We live in quite a flawed world, don’t we?  Right now, wars are raging, our jails our overcrowded, and we have a crisis in many social institutions, including government and education.  In the meantime, we grow increasingly disconnected from other humans because of this high-tech digital age demanding so much of our attention.  The American culture stands out as one of the largest consumer economies on the planet.  If we see it, we want it—the bigger the better.  These are the ways of the world we live in.  As Christians, though, we have a responsibility to be non-conformists.  We are supposed to shine Jesus’ light for the world to see.  We fulfill these obligations by making a commitment to daily renew our minds and live according to God’s will. 

Today as you meditate on His Word, pray for a renewing of your mind.  Ask God to reveal His perfect will for your life.  Identify those areas in your life where you might feel content conforming to the ways of the world.  Pray that you would be transformed in your spirit, and ask for courage to live as a Child of God in this world.  Pray also for our world leaders, today, that they would act wisely and humanely.  Ask God to influence their actions according to His purpose.

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