Thursday, October 30, 2014

Why Did He Choose Me?

Ephesians 2:8-9—For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.

Do you ever stop in the middle of your day and thank God for just being God?  Do you ever wonder why the Creator of the Universe would choose you, would choose of any of us?  Why does He desire relationship with us?  When you stop to ponder the magnificence of His ways, do you see the beautiful mosaic He has created of your life?  Glorious is His masterful weaving together of light and dark, hard and soft.  His perfect prismatic vision sees goodness and light even in the darkest corners of our souls.  His beautiful design is to cherish and turn that inside out.  He is perfect and brilliant.  What man could have possibly dreamt of such a happily serendipitous way for His Creation to worship and bring Him honor and glory.  We don’t have to earn His love and forgiveness—He has already given it.  We couldn’t earn it, even if we tried.  But God turned His favor forever toward His Creation through His Precious Son to give us the gift of eternal salvation.

Today, as you pray and meditate on His Word, thank God for the gift of His favor.  Praise His Holy Name.  Rejoice in His Gift of a Savior, His Holy Son, who came to this Earth to experience life as a human being and to suffer for all of our sins.  Worship Him today as you pause from whatever it is you are doing to acknowledge His Greatness and the wonder of His love for you.  

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