Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Turn Down the Volume!

Exodus 33:11—The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.

Can you imagine what it must have been like for Moses to be so tuned into God that they spoke face to face, as friends do?  Have you ever audibly heard the voice of God, not just in your heart or mind, but out loud like a friend is whispering in your ear?  These days, we do not often hear about God speaking to anyone out loud.  And if we have occasion to hear of it, we tend to think the person making the claim suffers some sort of mental illness.  We know that God is steadfast and does not change, although our understanding of who He is certainly may change over time as we grow in His Love.  So, I believe that God still desires to speak to us out loud, and He may even be speaking to us out loud without us even realizing it.  Think about those ancient days when no one was distracted by television, internet, telephones, and other modern technology.  They spent time with each other and in nature.  The world was much more quiet. If we turn down the volume in our world, do you think we could hear God speak out loud?

Today as you pray and meditate on His Word, find quiet by turning off the technology all around you.  Pray that God would quiet the chatter in your mind.  Lift up praise to God and ask Him to speak to you like He spoke to Moses.  Declare your faith in Him and commit hearing His Voice in your life.

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