Tuesday, May 5, 2015

It's a Beautiful Day!

Psalm 118:24—This is the day the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

The wonder and splendor of God’s creation unfolds anew each and every day.  Sometimes, though, I think it is easy to become desensitized to it.  We become preoccupied with other responsibilities and consumed with things like school, jobs, and taking care of others.  It is important to pause and take time each and every day to marvel at His Creation.  It is a precious gift that reminds us of God’s power and perfect creativity.  We can see and feel the Holy Spirit as we stare at a bed of roses or watch the shifting shapes of clouds. God’s peace comes from understanding we are part of something greater than ourselves, and appreciating His Creation helps us to see a glimpse of this bigger picture.

Today as you pray and meditate on His Word, praise God as Creator.  Take a look around you and focus on one beautiful aspect of nature – the sunrise, a flower, a landscape – and just be silent.  Ask the Holy Spirit to make His presence known and to fill you with peace. Thank God for the gift of His Creation.

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