Monday, April 13, 2015

The Gift of Joy

Psalm 126:5—May those who sow in tears reap with shouts of joy.

Faith in the Lord gives us the great gift of contentment and stability in a chaotic and fluctuating world.  There are no guarantees that life will be easy or that you will avoid hardship.  Just take a look at every major Biblical figure – not a one escaped adversity!  What we are guaranteed is the fruit of the spirit, including joy.  Certainly there are times when we will feel sadness, loss, tragedy, anxiety, and a host of other negative emotions.  But when we have faith, we understand that God is always in control even when the world seems to be spinning out of control.  We can find peace in His perfection and joy in the harmony of the universe. 

Today as you pray and meditate on His Word, praise God for the gift of joy.  Pray that the Holy Spirit would fill you up and overflow you with the fruit of the spirit. Notice the joyous song of nature all around you, and thank God for His Perfect Plan in your life.

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