Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Clean the Inside First

Matthew 23:26—You blind Pharisee! First wash the inside of the cup and the dish, and then the outside will become clean, too.

On the Tuesday of Holy Week, the Bible records Jesus’ rebuke to the Pharisees.  The Pharisees were religious leaders of the time who hid behind the law as a shield.  They persecuted those who they perceived as unrighteous or less holy than they were.  During Holy Week, Jesus called them out as hypocrites.  You see, the Pharisees pretended to be perfect, holy, and righteous on the outside.  But inside, their hearts were hard, they were uncompassionate, and they did not protect and defend the oppressed.  This day and age, I see so much behavior that reminds me of the Pharisees.  You know the person who is quick to condemn another without taking a moment to help or lift up?  Perhaps we are all prone to a little bit of that kind of judgment, but when we work on the inside, when our heart is right and full of love for others, then our outside actions fall in line.  We don’t need to follow a bunch of rules that get in the way of relationship – we need to build relationships, and then our behavior will comport with the rules we have been taught for how to treat one another.

Today as you pray and meditate on His Word, prayerfully consider your heart.  Praise God for His Compassion and Mercy.  Pray that He would fill your spirit with compassion and mercy toward others.  Ask Him to guide you in loving others the way they need to experience love.  Offer yourself as a vessel to be used for His Purposes, that the world might see His Light in you.

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