2 Corinthians 3:4-6—Such confidence we have through Christ
before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for
ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as
ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter
kills, but the Spirit gives life.
Only through Christ Jesus are we empowered to overcome this
world. We ought to be careful not to
boast or become prideful in thinking that we are in control of anything that is
happening. Rather, our spirits should seek peace and contentment in the
knowledge that the Almighty uses all things for good. Through the death of His Son, He has called
us to a new covenant with His Spirit.
Not only is the black letter of the law no longer sufficient, but this
Scripture declares it a killer. How is
this so? The law seems neutral and
objective, so adherence to the law is tempting.
Those who follow the law feel like they are “getting it right.” This type of objectivity through adherence to
the law, however, is deceptive. So
often, following the letter of the law leads to an absurd result. Even when it seems like the law is being
applied neutrally, it tends to have a disparate impact. It can interfere with relationships and hurt
others. It can prevent others from
knowing Christ Jesus. Mindless
compliance and obedience to rules can lead to a spirit of judgment against
others. There is no room for
forgiveness, mercy, or grace in the letter of the law. But the Spirit of God gives life. It is loving, kind, and accepting. It lifts others up. It has no need to judge because God is the
only true Judge. Love gives life. In this passage, God is telling us not to let
the letter of the law get in the way of His Spirit. We have a higher calling, a new covenant—to
love others as Christ has loved us and to be vessels for the movement of the Holy
Today as you pray and meditate on His Word, open your heart
to His Holy Spirit. Ask God to fill you
with His Spirit so that you might overcome the letter of the law in all things
and allow His Loving Spirit to live through you. Praise God for the loving you, forgiving you,
and showing you grace and mercy. Pray
that you would be a worthy minister for Him in every aspect of your life.
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