Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Teach Me, Lead Me

Psalm 25:4-5—Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all day long.

When we study the Bible, we read about how God has spoken out loud to people.  This day and age, though, it seems easy to question whether God still does speak out loud.  Just yesterday someone was asking how to understand the difference between God’s voice and our own internal voice.  I do think that God still does speak out loud, and when He does, it is with a voice that is unmistakably, undeniably, the voice of God.  But that is not the only way He speaks, and for someone who is not used to listening for God, it can seem overwhelming to figure out when God is the One really doing the speaking.  This passage gives us two concrete ways we can prepare our souls to hear God.  The first involves learning God’s ways and allowing Him to teach us His paths.  When we study the Bible, pray, and meditate, we are learning God’s ways.  God reveals Himself through His Word, so the more we study it, pray it, and meditate on it, the more we will understand Him.  When we understand His Word, we can better understand and discern His voice speaking to us through His Word.  The second involves us following God as the leader of our lives.  God has promised to provide for each of us, and if we start paying attention to what is happening in our lives, we begin to see God’s path and His Will laid out for us.  When we are paying attention, we can hear God speak to us through our circumstances and even through others in our lives.

Today as you pray and meditate, thank God for the gift of His Word and His perfect plan for your life.  Pray for a spirit willing to hear His Voice both through His Word and through the circumstances of your life.  Seek Him with all your Heart.

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